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The Crow's Nest

A bird's-eye view of the world.

My Photo
Location: Adena, Ohio, United States

Monday, October 31, 2005

Dog Training

Today I started a training regimen for our Anatolian Shepherd/Great Pyrenees cross dog, Phantom. It's finally cool enough to go outside at any time of day, so that I can train him during either of Tiger's two naps.

He's had a little bit of work over the summer, enough that he doesn't freak out when leashed and he'll sit on command most of the time. He's still reluctant to walk very far from his goats, though. It's definitely a workout to drag a hundred pound dog who doesn't want to walk. Of course he gets lots of praise and a loose leash when he walks by my side.

I really should have started training him when he was a puppy, but his breeder told us to handle him as little as possible so that he'd remain attached to his goats. Eventually I did a bit of research and found that that advice is best if the dog will be left alone with his flock in a range situation. There wasn't much information about training a livestock guard dog in a small farm situation, where the land is fenced and the dog is expected to guard everything, not just the livestock. The few accounts I found seemed to indicate that it was preferable to have a well-trained dog in that situation, and that his guarding abilities would be improved, not hindered, by developing a strong bond with his owners.

I also have to take into consideration the fact that we will be moving next summer. Whether we are able to take Phantom with us or we have to sell him, either option will go more smoothly if he is obedience trained.

And so I'm setting out to instill in Phantom the basic obedience lessons of Heel, Sit, Stay, Down, Stand and Come. If I consistently work every day, he should be solid on Heel, Sit, Sit-Stay, Down, and Down-Stay by the end of November.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Snowflakes and Thread Crochet

I really enjoy crocheting with thread, the smaller the better. Last year I bought the two smallest hooks I could find (.5mm and .4mm, respectively) from Lacis.com. The .5mm hook with #50 cotton sewing thread has become my favorite combination; anything bigger feels so bulky and unwieldy. I would really like to experiment with the smaller hook, but I would have to special order any cotton thread smaller than #50. Lacis has down to size #185! Hopefully someday soon I'll get a chance to order some thread from them. I'm thinking that #120 will probably be about right for my hook.

Snowflake Christmas ornaments are fun to crochet. I have a few that I made for sale in my shop at Etsy.com. My shop is called "Delicate Designs" and I plan to add other thread crochet items soon. Possibilities include tiny snowflake earrings and doilies and lace for scrapbooking.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

"A Convocation of Clowns" in audio

Shimmer magazine has recorded "A Convocation of Clowns" in audio. Mary Robinette Kowal did the reading, and I really like how it sounds.

They are planning to unveil a "Goodies" section of their website in January, and presumably this will be one of the goodies. I believe that section will only be open to people who buy a subscription, but they haven't finalized that yet.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Christmas List

For family members who are wondering what I want for Christmas, I have set up a wishlist here. You can also get to that link at any time by looking in my profile under "Wishlist."

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Screw Loose and Seduced by Paper

So, finding the proper screws for my sewing machine was anticlimacticly easy. Cathey's Vac and Sew just happened to have a 70's Kenmore sewing machine, so they took the screws out and gave them to me. They didn't even charge. I feel kind of silly for making so much drama out of the process.


On Friday, Lesley and I went to a big scrapbooking sale at the fairgrounds. They were advertising supplies at 50-75% off retail. I don't do much scrapbooking, but I can't resist interesting paper. At first I thought I would be safe, because all of the paper there was 12" X 12", and I've only worked with 8 1/2" X 11". But there was so much neat paper there that I finally broke down and decided to switch to the larger size.

We spent a couple of hours there visually devouring the displays, until Tiger decided she had seen enough. I left with a lot of paper and some embellishments for pages I plan to make: baby, Tiger's first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. I also plan to start a publication scrapbook for myself, with a page for each short story that I have published.

Of course, looking at all these supplies inspired us, so I went over to her apartment the next day to scrapbook. In five hours I managed to finish two pages. *sigh* Scrapbooking is such a time-consuming craft, but I like it anyway.