Pictures of house and land

This is the front of our house.

This is the left side, with the garage entrance. Above the garage is our library and Corvus's office.

This is the right side. The steps go up to the sunroom, which is our pantry.

This is the back. The bottom part is the garage, which connects to the basement.

Our land, looking south from the northern end.

Some of the forest on our land. This is near the creek.

More forest, this time near the road.

Looking north from the southern end of the cleared area, just past the start of the trees.

One view of our creek. It defines one long side of our property, while the road defines the other long side. They're roughly parallel. In this photo, the creek is higher and muddier than it normally is because there had been a lot of rainfall over the previous few days.
Wow! It looks nice. Looking forward to seeing everything in October.
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